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Reports, or…. reports?

So, uh, I slipped and made a thing? Okay, I guess I should explain just where the flip I’ve been for the past zillion years. I’ve been put on this chemotherapy drug (not for cancer, don’t worry!) and it’s really sapped the life out of me. I’ve felt depressed and run down, I’ve had to cut down my hours at work because of it, haha. 

But, I’ll try to get back on the band wagon just as soon as I’ve adjusted to my dosage being doubled a couple of days ago. But for those who have stuck around and continued to follow me regardless of my absence, I love you and this is for you. 

But mostly, this is for Because she’s my wife and I love her so I’ll seduce her with shirtless (pantless?) Kaidan. Yes. ._.

From yummy-yaoi - Original post


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What a big baby.

From yummy-yaoi - Original post


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